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We design exceptional charging experience for your fleet

Reliably charged and ready

We design your onsite charging infrastructure considering your operational requirements of today and plans for tomorrow. 


Whether your business needs overnight charging only or mid-day top-up as well, a well designed charging infrastructure ensures your fleet are ready to serve the business, eliminating concerns over range and vehicle unavailability.

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Scales with your electric fleet

We develop charging infrastructure plans that can be scaled up as you add more vehicles to the fleet, or require faster recharging, or both!


Businesses will electrify their fleet in phases and charging infrastructure must scale up in phases too. Deploying a scalable solution means businesses save on time, costs while lowering upfront investment.

High performance

We obsess over the performance of the charging solution so that your business gets the best returns from the investment.
A highly performant solution is always available, delivers the maximum power possible and has the lowest end-to-end losses. 

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Cost savings

We design solutions taking automatically take advantage of dynamic tariffs available from your current provider and the market.


Maximising fleet charging during the hours of low cost electricity not only saves costs but also helps the grid.

Power contract alignment

We identify the best solution from your existing power contract and recommend the most optimal power upgrade for your business needs.


Increasing power supply from the grid means delays, upgrade costs and recurring costs. The charging strategy must be carefully designed to deliver the business needs at the lowest cost.


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Copyright: Trent Energy S.L.  Company Registration Number: B56623226

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